Your Tools For Life

Your Tools For Life is a compilation of all my understandings, tools, experiences and inner wisdom for sharing with all those who too want a greater sense of wellbeing. These tools I use daily and they have significantly improved my life, moving me forward with a continuing sense of contentment, peace and joy. I am here at this time to assist others in their daily lives with these tools so please let me know how I can help you.

On this site and at my workshops, you will learn tips and simple methods of keeping your energy uplifted, your thoughts positive and personal growth accelerated – allowing for increased wellbeing, contentment and motivation. Taking part in one of the workshops will not only give you the knowledge, tools and understandings but also allows you to experience the energy that comes with it.

Currently I am offering three different empowerment workshops:

  • The Basics for Personal Empowerment & Spiritual Growth
  • Pellowah Energy Healing Technique
  • Codes for Change and Acceleration

I am available to teach these workshops throughout Australia. No previous experience – of any kind – needed!


Basics for Personal Empowerment & Spiritual Growth

 YTFL Logo Final-croppedSimple and practical tips and tools for personal growth & empowerment. Learn to:

  • Cleanse and protect your energetic body
  • Clear old patterns and beliefs
  • Find stillness and peace
  • Activate your energy field for health and wellbeing
  • Tap into your Higher self for wisdom and guidance

A half day workshop teaching you the basics in a simple and fun way. You will get tools to use daily to improve all aspects of your life.


Pellowah Energy Healing Technique

 Pellowah SymbolPellowah is a wonderful and powerful energy healing modality that connects all 12 strands of DNA – ready for activation. It unblocks and realigns all the meridians within the body, giving a feeling of well-being and connection which allows for a Radical Shift in Consciousness. One can experience a new expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life. Importantly through this we are able to make better choices more in alignment with our true selves.

Pellowah has Levels One to Three. Levels One and Two are all about personal growth and attuning you to be able to give Pellowah healings to others. Level Three enables you to teach Pellowah. Levels One and Two are one day workshops at which you receive attunements equivalent to 10 healings (Level One) and 100 healings (Level Two).

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Codes for Change and Acceleration

A Unique, Simple, Powerful and Efficient New Technology for Personal Growth.

People -Maui -PixlrThe Benefits:

  • Increases: *lntuition *Clarity *Empowerment * Awareness
  • Brings a sense of excitement for life
  • Puts you in control of your own personal growth
  • Helps you to operate on a higher level in your daily life so things become easier

A full day workshop at which you receive attunements activating codes for personal growth at your own pace.                                                                          Read more